What is InfraGard?
InfraGard® is a proactive collaboration between the FBI and the private sector to protect our nation’s Critical Infrastructure.
With thousands of vetted members nationally, InfraGard’s membership includes business executives, entrepreneurs, military and government officials, computer professionals, academia and state and local law enforcement; each dedicated to contributing industry specific insight and advancing national security.
Learn Essential Info
InfraGard offers valuable learning opportunities throughout the City of New York as well as online. NY Metro InfraGard Alliance has hosted hundreds of on-location events in places such as the NY FBI Field Office, Federal Reserve Bank of NY, Morgan Stanley, Cisco Systems Inc., utility companies, universities, and many others.
Protect our Infrastructure
Individuals protect our country! One person can make a difference. Since our nation is comprised of systems (people, businesses, buildings, highways, farms, communications, etc.), it is important to sustain and continually improve system operations. One way to ensure these systems continue to benefit the people, is to protect them from natural disaster, human error or terror; and set up recovery actions in the event misfortune cannot be avoided. The protection of our nation is a collaborative effort in which all citizens hold some level responsibility. Your contribution(s) are absolutely invaluable.
Reporting Guidelines
A cyber incident is an event that could jeopardize the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of digital information or information systems. Cyber incidents resulting in significant damage are of particular concern to the Federal Government. Accordingly, victims are encouraged to report all cyber incidents that may:
result in a significant loss of data, system availability, or control of systems
impact a large number of victims
indicate unauthorized access to, or malicious software present on, critical information technology systems
affect critical infrastructure or core government functions
impact national security, economic security, or public health and safety.
Click below to learn more about incident reporting guidelines!
Join the NY Metro InfraGard Incident Management SIG
The mission of the NY Metro Incident Management SIG is to support InfraGard’s mission to protect critical infrastructure and preserve life in the event of an incident using well-defined procedure to provide resources to our communities. This shall be encompassed with three primary responsibilities:
Create and maintain a series of processes and/or procedures — akin to an SOG/SOP — to execute with the bureau, local law enforcement, emergency services and our membership in the event of any serious incident, whether man-made or natural, whether malicious or accidental, whether it affects everyone or just a few in a significant manner. Such SOGs/SOPS should include criteria for triggering the procedure, guidelines and stages of escalation as well as criteria for returning to normalcy.
Create and maintain a resource catalog – akin to an ITIL service catalog – of contacts (bureau, local law enforcement, emergency services and our membership) documenting both skills and services that can be provided in the event of an incident.
Regularly communicate with the bureau, local law enforcement, emergency services and our membership either through conference calls or seminars to remind our membership of the SIGs capabilities to support InfraGard’s mission to protect critical infrastructure and preserve life in the event of an incident.
Note: You *MUST* be an InfraGard member in good standing or an invited resource. All members may be subject to additional vetting.
Safeguarding NY
NY Metro InfraGard is dedicated to sharing best practices, information on emerging threats and trends, and strategies for violence prevention. We're committed to education and strive to reduce gun violence in our community. Please consider joining us for a future webinar or event. If you have any questions, please email us at info@nym-infragard.us.
Special Agent Cori Marasco
FBI NYM InfraGard Coordinator